“The Elysium CADfeature software provides a great opportunity for the advanced migration of CAD data to Siemens NX platform. We have been impressed by its power.”
– Keihan TAVAKOLI, Mechanical Engineering Head
Challenge for a Smooth Transition
Synchrotron SOLEIL, an electromagnetic radiation light source facility, located in the outskirts of Paris, France, produces a wide range of energies, from infrared to x-rays. It is also a top-class research laboratory with highly advanced experimental techniques specializing in matter analysis down to the atomic scale. They are open to all scientific and industrial communities.
Their objective was to replace the CAD environment and implement new engineering tools and processes based on Siemens NX and Teamcenter technologies.
By using Elysium’s powerful solution, Synchrotron SOLEIL was able to accomplish a smooth transition with minimum loss of data and design intent.
Legacy CAD, at its Limit
The legacy CAD system did not meet Synchrotron SOLEIL´s expectations of a global PLM platform:
- Data tracing
- Robustness of data model
- Advanced permissions management
After much evaluating, Synchrotron SOLEIL decided to set up a PLM platform with Teamcenter and replace the former CAD system with Siemens NX for a better communication between PLM and CAD tool.
Elysium Solutions Opened New Doors
Synchrotron SOLEIL chose to use Elysium´s migration expertise to move up to a new CAD and PLM environment.
By utilizing the data migration tools and processes, which are the most powerful tools on the market, Synchrotron SOLEIL was sure to experience a smooth transition, allowing them to be able to access the existing CAD design data inside the modern PLM environment.
Their massive data volume had to be migrated in a short period of time. They tried on different volume of parts and realized that CADfeature can transfer a huge number of elements at the same time, while preserving design intent and links.
CADfeature allowed Synchrotron SOLEIL to migrate all CAD data from the European project COXINEL (European Research Council / Advanced Grant COXINEL nber 340015, PI M.E. Couprie).
“Our objective was to migrate all 3D items and associated drawings to NX, which we succeeded. Now, we can modify the CAD models in NX the same way we did in the previous environment”, says K. Tavakoli.
Source 3D model (~3500 parts)
NX 3D model translated with Elysium CADfeature
About Synchrotron SOLEIL
Synchrotron SOLEIL is a French research facility funded by CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research) and CEA (Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission). The laboratory is open to users in France and abroad.
- Electron gun
- Booster
- Storage ring
- Dipoles
- Radiofrequency cavities
- Wigglers / Undulators
- Beamlines