Model-based Lifecycle
PDQ Check
Check your data quality to ensure geometry is clean for downstream use and manufacturability. Know your design will pass a customer quality check before you get rejected—avoid the cost and time of re-work.
Convert files without sacrificing quality to enable internal or external collaboration among multiple CAD systems and neutral formats. Or, promote a single, common CAD platform to maintain resources and best practices, with a reliable translation platform for proper data use by customers, partners, suppliers, etc.
DFX Analysis
Automatically recognize geometry features from 3D CAD models to support workflow efficiency.
3D CAD Validation
Compare two CAD files to determine inconsistencies among geometry, 3D annotations, attributes, and more for change detection management,
derivative, and archival use cases.
2D Drawing Validation
Automatically compare two 2D drawings and identify significant changes. We utilize semantic information to detect differences and to categorize them by element type. Our validation reports are easy to consume, to integrate and can be viewed in a web browser. Enable a seamless communication downstream based on our smart reporting.
Data Package
Generate Data Package as a container of deliverables including CAD files, reports and documentations. Create rich and sharable 3D PDF documents and templates by Elysium Data Package Studio.
Remove featured details such as holes, ribs, and chamfers that streamline data for faster processing by analysis.
Feature Migration
Migrate your CAD data with features, design history and meta data. Preserve accurate geometry, attributes, 3D annotations and constraints. Leverage component reuse to avoid duplicate part translation, thread mapping, and standard parts-swapping for a premium migration experience.
2D Drawing Migration
Migrate your 2D drawings and keep the associativity with your 3D models. Associative drawings that preserve sheet layouts, drawing views, scale factors, annotations, and dimensions that update when associated 3D parts or assemblies change.
Use Cases
- Manufacturing
- Engineering Change Management
- Mass Validation of JT Data
- JT Validation Properties - Levels of Reporting
Elysium 3DxSUITE can support the process of delivery of the data for manufacturing. PDQ check based on the company standard assures the data quality, and the data is translated to the format for manufacturing. Data package can be also created and delivered in this process.
How can the validity of LOTAR data be assured? Elysium 3DxSUITE provides the capability to check PDQ based on LOTAR criteria, translate the original design CAD data to archival format, and ensure the validity of the archived data to check the deviation from the original CAD data.
Change is a chance for the improvement. Typical challenge in model based lifecycle is how to notice and share the change information in the entire process. Elysium Solutions supports the engineering change notification in the process. CADValidator in Elysium Solutions provides the capability to automatically detect the change and create the change report.
Inspect before defect. Growing databases and downstream consumption of JT require reliable 3D data. Elysium 3DxSUITE enables the automated validation of JT data through the comparison with the corresponding native source data and the output of validation reports. Users define reusable scenarios with individual validation criteria and thresholds for each downstream process. Validation reports ensure quality of JT contents and can be consumed by casual users on any device.
The neutral 3D master and digital end-to-end processes require reliable checking mechanisms to ensure 3D engineering data. Elysium 3DxSUITE allows the automated validation of JT data and provides a sophisticated reporting of validation results within PLM environments. Based on customizable JT Validation Properties, three Levels of Reporting are available:
- General overview (ok/nok)
- List of differences for 3D geometry, PMI, and attributes
- Complete 3D validation report
Digitalization with Point Clouds
In the world of 3D digitalization, industries have embraced 3D scanners and point cloud data to enable 3D data captures of the existing physical world. Elysium enhances the optimization of this digital data with automation and advanced transformation capabilities for the highest possible impact in the new digital era.
Processing & Optimization
- Import 3D scan data directly from many of the major scanner manufacturers
- Automatically register point clouds with and without markers
- Automatic Noise Reduction to remove unwanted people and vehicles from data
Extract & Modeling
- Automatically extract pipes, ducts and structural members that can be identified by standards libraries
- Create exportable mesh data from the point cloud
- Generate CAD models from existing point clouds
Analysis & Verification
- Easy-to-use tools for measurements and simulations to reduce the need for on-site analysis
- Check for collisions between point clouds and imported CAD data
- Detect differences between point cloud data and a CAD model
Data Sharing & Collaboration
- Experience the environment like you are there with head-mounted virtual reality
- Export CAD models and 2D orthographic images
- Easily create fly-through videos
- Share and collaborate with partners and customers on a “license-free”, intelligent, interactive viewer files